Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lookin' to the new...

So, as some of you may know, I'm in the process of building a new photography site. The days of trying to promote my photography with a .mac account are over (big sigh of relief... aaaah). With this new site, I needed a solid head shot of myself so potential clients could put a face with the name. I leaned on my good friend Joel Cookston for leading the photo shoot at his new studio. If there's anyone reading who knows me and Joel, you know that we can't get together without having a good time. I've posted a few shots below from the other night. The second of the two is the shot that I will have posted on the new site. Looking forward to sharing the new stylin's with whoever might be paying attention.

By the way... if you're checking this blog, start leaving some comments, I'd love to see them.